How to make an ADF file yourself ?
You have physic Amiga floppy discs and you want to create ADF to use it in an emulator ?
1st solution : you did not have an Amiga but a PC
2nd solution : you have an Amiga, or you have .DMS files
The 1st solution :
You need to own some physic Amiga floppy discs (they are not HD)
You need to own a PC computer, with a mother board wich accept 2 floppy discs (the too much recent pc sucks)
You need 2 PC floppy disc drives
You need to own a new and formatted HD 1.44Mb PC floppy disc
You need DISC2FDI tool, you can find it on the official webpage(the last version is now shareware) or here(old version, works fine and is free)
On your PC, you need to install MS-DOS or Windows95 or Windows98 (who is the stupid wich said windowsXP was cool? this windows sucks!!!)
(to access ms dos from windows, simply hit the F8 key at startup!)
Install the DISC2FDI.exe file on your PC, on C: to be more simple
Now, put the PC floppy disc in the drive B:
Put the Amiga floppy disc in the drive A:
And, in msdos prompt, type :
disk2fdi /S A: namename
Where A: is the drive wich have the Amiga floppy disc in it
And where namename will be the name of your future ADF file : 'namename.adf' (8.3 naming)
Easy no ?
Very thanx to the creator of Disc2Fdi!!!!!
The 2nd solution :
You need to have and know how to use an Amiga
You need to have DMS software installed on your Amiga, and you must know how to use it
or you've found some .DMS files on internet.
Create a DMS of your Amiga floppy disc
Then use Xdms tool on your PC to convert DMS file in ADF!
Xdms can be found in google for a full and documented version
or simply here for only the exe file wich works
xdms.exe u namename.dms namename.adf
And where namename.dms is the name of your dms file and where namename will be the name of your future ADF file : 'namename.adf' (8.3 naming) is made by Zone